Saturday, March 17, 2018

How and When to Use a Power of Attorney in the UAE?

There comes a time when you can’t do everything for your company, organization, or private life. Thus, using a power of attorney is a convenient way to let other people handle legal matters on your behalf. This is when it would be useful to find one of the best lawyers in UAE.

Before anything else, it is important to know what power of attorney really is.

In its simplest term, a power of Attorney (POA), sometimes referred to as a letter of attorney, is a written authorization that allows one person to represent or act on another’s behalf. The principal, donor, or grantor is the one who gives the authorization. On the other hand, the agent or attorney-in-fact is the one who receives the authorization.

So, how do you use a power of attorney in the UAE? Here’s how.

The first thing you need to do is choose your POA. There are two types of POA that you should know about as part of the legal services Dubai. It can either be the general or special POA.

General POA, as the name implies, is a general authorization to your agent. It means that your agent can do any type of transactions and activities on your behalf. Contrariwise, the special POA allows your agent to only do the specific activities outlined in the document.

The next step is to get the POA drafted. As one of the most crucial parts of the process, you need to make sure that the draft clearly, professionally, and accurately conveys your specific situation and what it is that you need to accomplish. This is needed if you want to save time, money, and energy.
After drafting your POA, you need to get it notarized. There are different ways you can do this. You can visit the nearest notary office or visit their website online. The price that you need to pay to get your document notarized depends on the need to translate the document, length, and other factors. An attorney in Dubai can help you prepare your POA.

These are the basic steps on how you can use a power of attorney in the UAE.

Another question you might ask is when you should use a power of attorney. There are different reasons and scenarios a POA is needed. Here are some of them:

  •         When a person needs to go overseas and let someone handle their affairs while they are away
  •         POA as a way to prepare when someone gets incapacitated
  •         A person who faces serious or long-term debilitating medical condition
  •         A person who is too busy to do the legwork of a specific activity
  •         A person who is physically absent to represent himself

These are just some of the ways you can use POA. If you want to learn more, you can visit one of the best Dubai law firms near you.  

Motei and Associates has been providing quality and reliable legal services to satisfied clients since 2002. They have the right knowledge and experience to help you prepare power of attorney documents and other legal materials.