Monday, March 11, 2019

Protect Yourself with a Last Will and Testament

Right now, the last thing you might be thinking is preparing a will and testament. After all, you are young, healthy, and active. What could possibly go wrong? However, legal advocates in Dubai highly recommend for you to reconsider your thinking.
If you are like most people, you are working hard to accumulate wealth and ensure you have something to give to your children as inheritance or at least retire comfortably when you grow old.
However, life is unpredictable. Things can get wrong too quickly. If you don’t have a will and testament in place, you might be shocked to know what will happen to the people and things you left behind.

What are will and testament?

A will is a legal document that you can prepare any time to specify your “will” or wishes after your death. In most cases, a will is used to know how you would like to distribute, use, and preserve your assets. With the use of a will, you can designate a person or people as beneficiaries who would eventually handle your properties after your demise.

Why you need a will and testament?

The number one reason you need a will is to ensure that your properties, wealth, and assets are distributed according to your wishes. A verbal agreement will not suffice especially if you are residing in the UAE.
You need to have Sharia-compliant will. If not, your loved ones might not lawfully claim your assets after you pass away. It is worth noting as well, according to one of the international law firms in Dubai, that even if you already have a will in your home country as an expat, your will might not be applicable for your assets in the UAE.
So, what will happen if you don’t have a will in place? The UAE Law of Inheritance would kick in. This means that your bank accounts would immediately be frozen whether it is an individual or joint account. Another thing that might happen is that the visas of your dependents would be cancelled. The UAE government decides how your assets would be distributed and might not even be given to your family. Worst, the custody of minor children may go to people whom you don’t prefer. Thus, it is also best if you hire one of the legal firms in Dubai.

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Monday, March 4, 2019

Tips on Your Separation Agreement

Here’s an alarming statistic that you need to know: in the UAE, one in four marriages in the past ten years failed and ended in divorce. As a result, more people are seeking the help of family lawyers in Dubai.

If you have already taken into consideration all the possible ways to repair your marriage and nothing seems to work, then you might become part of this statistic. However, you know that divorce can be stressful and most importantly, expensive. Thus, before heading to the court, you might want to first consider having a separation agreement.

Here are 5 tips you need to remember when preparing a separation agreement.

Tip no. 1: Make an informed decision

The greatest mistakes you’ll commit before, during, and after your separation agreement is making a decision without sufficient knowledge. For example, it pays a lot if you get familiar with Dubai divorce law child custody.

You need to make sure you understand the consequences and effects of your decision. Know your rights and responsibilities and the possible outcome of your case.

Tip no. 2: Be ready to give up something

A separation agreement is an opportunity for you and your spouse to explore how you can arrive at a win-win situation. For this reason, you need to negotiate your terms and conditions when preparing your separation agreement.

Put in mind your children’s best interest. Sometimes, you have to sacrifice what you want in order to give what’s right for your family. Money comes and goes. It is not worth exchanging your peace and the peace of your family for money.

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