Sunday, November 17, 2019

Reasons Young People Should Write a Last Will

You are young, physically active, and healthy. So, why do you need to write a last will? After all, most people would like to avoid this topic since it makes them uncomfortable. Before you dismiss the thought of writing your will, here out what legal advocates in Dubai have to say. Here are some of the reasons you should get a will.

Life is unpredictable

There’s no doubt that things can easily change in just a matter of seconds or minutes. Even if you are young, there’s no guarantee that you will live up to 80 years. While this might sound harsh, but it is a reality of life.

When death comes knocking on your door, you would be happy that you had one of the expat wills Dubai set up already.

You want to ensure your wishes are followed after you pass away

In the UAE, if you don’t have a will, their Law of Inheritance is used to determine how to distribute your assets. UAE’s Law of Inheritance is based on the Sharia Law. It is worth noting that Sharia isn’t a codified law and thus, it is subject to further interpretation.

If you pass away without a will, it is the government who will direct how your assets would be handled. It can be either favorable or not favorable for you. Moreover, according to one of the best international law firms in Dubai, even if you have a will set up in your home country, your immovable assets in the UAE might still be subject to the local Law of Inheritance.

You want to leave your children to the right people

For young people who have children, you would want to ensure that they are well taken care of even if you are gone. If you die without a will, the guardianship of your children might be given to people whom you don’t like or prefer.

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A Will is a legal document...

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Kids Custody While Divorce is Pending

A report was released in 2016 and it shows that one in four marriages in UAE ended in divorce. Divorce can get so ugly and emotional and the ones affected the most are the children. For this reason, it has been a constant question for many people how child custody works in the UAE especially while the divorce is still ongoing. In this case, getting an overview of Dubai Divorce Law child custody would help you make a better decision during your legal battle.

Hadana principle in the UAE

Hadana is an Arabic phrase which means, “means holding a child close to one’s heart by protecting and educating.” Traditionally, hadana applies to the mother. It means, by default, the mother becomes the custodian of the children while their father becomes the guardian. Lawyers in Dubai could explain this concept very well to you.
While the hadana principle is commonly practiced in the UAE, things can easily change and get complicated. There are certain laws in the UAE that could change how child custody works.

Expatriates and child custody

UAE nationals are governed by the Sharia Law. However, for expats, they have the option to apply the divorce law of their home country or rather choose to be under the Sharia Law.
This is where things can get too complicated. When the expat’s home country law goes directly in conflict with Sharia Law, the latter would automatically be imposed. In this case, a divorce lawyer in Dubai can help you determine the best course of action.
According to Sharia Law, the child should live with their mother until they reach their 13th birthday for a girl and 11th birthday for a boy. If the child is at the right age, they can choose to apply for custody.

Divorce in UAE?

Check out some informative articles that may help you with your divorce process.
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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Increasing Numbers of Expats Drawing up Wills in UAE

According to one 2107 survey conducted by the DIFC Wills & Probate Registry, about 60 percent of expats don’t see the UAE as a place where they want to spend the rest of their lives. However, almost the same number of people say that they intend to live in this country for a long period of time. That’s why it is not surprising to see the number of expat wills Dubai created is steadily increasing.

Of all the expats living in the UAE, there are about 2.8 million of them who are Indians. Indians became the largest non-Muslim single national group with the highest number of wills in place. Indians have replaced British nationals in this category.

Expats in the UAE have become an active contributor to its thriving economy. As a result, many expats have accumulated assets and wealth in the UAE. There are about 8 million expats in the UAE and most of them would like to have a complete control of their properties even after their demise.
So, why is there an increasing number of expats who draw up wills in the UAE? There are a few reasons. For one, with more expats living and working in the UAE, the more people are now trying to get a will set up before their death.

Another reason is how the law in the UAE handle properties of its residents. By default, if you don’t have a will in place, UAE’s Law of Inheritance would take over. This means you or your family will not have a direct control of your property when you die. Depending on your country’s law, your religion, where you die, and other factors, the process of transferring property ownership and finding the right attorney in Dubai can easily become complicated.

A Will is a legal document...