Saturday, May 22, 2021

Which legal services do entrepreneurs need the most?

 When you're thinking about establishing a business, you also need to consider the legal matters you will need to start your business operations. Whether you're planning to start a big company or a small business, you need to make sure that you have the right paperwork and documentation to operate the business. If you're new to this, you may visit business setup consultants in Dubai to better understand what needs to be done. 



Which legal services do entrepreneurs need the most?


Businesses, especially new ones, require different kinds of legal services to start your operations legally. You can reach out to your lawyer or seek the following services from law firms in UAE:


Business incorporation

The first step is to register your business to Dubai's Department of Economic Development (DED). This will make it easier for you to raise finances, own or rent a property for the business, employ or hire people, and other legalities that the operations may require.


Shareholders Agreement

With the increase in offshore company formation, it has become common for businesses to be owned by multiple individuals. If you have business partners or plan to sell shares to private individuals who wish to invest in your business, you will need a Shareholders Agreement. This is different from a partnership agreement since shareholders and partners have different business operations and management roles.


Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions create certainty to the agreement between your business/company and your customers. While some customers don't thoroughly read the forms, they are the legal basis that shows both parties' willingness to do business. These forms are usually aimed to protect your business and set rules on how your potential customers may use your products or services.


Service Agreements

As your business continues to grow, you may need to hire employees, contractors, or part-time workers to achieve your business goals. Hence, you need to develop a contract for each individual stating their specific duties for their role. These agreements also include the responsibilities and obligations of the employer and employee toward each other. Suppose you are not yet familiar with what must be included in this agreement. In that case, you may consult with a lawyer in Dubai to learn about the agreement's particulars and how they can affect your business if one of the parties committed a breach.


If you need help acquiring the legal documents to register your business or assistance in creating the documents or services mentioned above. Motei & Associates can provide you with the legal services you need. 

Monday, May 17, 2021

When and why do startups require lawyers?

While it is not required, hiring a lawyer is highly recommended and beneficial for startups. Having an experienced lawyer on your team will make the incorporation or registration process easier for you as they can advise on what needs to be done to acquire the legal documents you need to start your business setup in Dubai.


When do startups require lawyers?

Not many startups are set to hire legal services as soon as early as they start. However, if you have the resources, getting a lawyer for your startup is ideal. Your company's lawyer can help you get started with the legalities for your operations, as well as provide legal advice on taxes, investments, company policies, employee contracts, and partner/shareholder agreements.


You may also get help from lawyers who specialise in business setup services in Dubai to provide you with specific services only when you need them. This can help you maximize and distribute your available resources for other important aspects of the business.


Why do startups need lawyers?


They can help establish the business structure

As your startup grows, you will need to make some changes in the structure of your business. This is especially true when you are operating as an international business. Your company lawyer can provide valuable insight on how the changes in your company will affect your business structure, your day-to-day operations, as well as the roles and responsibilities of your staff. 


Help prepare legal documents and paperwork

As mentioned above, having a lawyer can be highly beneficial when securing legal documents and working on the legalities to start your operations. If you own an international startup, many lawyers can share valuable advice on the free zone business setup in Dubai, as the procedure may be slightly different.


Represent you in negotiations and handle employment issues

When you are too busy dealing with more important aspects of the business, you may send a legal representative to handle negotiations on your behalf. You may also work with a law firm in Dubai to help you handle complicated employment issues, as well as keep you up to date with labor laws.


If you need help with the requirements and acquiring legal documents for your startup, Motei & Associates can provide you with the services you require.