Monday, November 30, 2015

Business Set-Up in Dubai

Business Set Up Overview

In the UAE, economic activity is regulated by individual emirates as well as the Federal Government. In Dubai, the authorities have deliberately sought to create an environment which is well ordered without being unduly restrictive. As a result, Dubai offers businessmen operating conditions that are among the most liberal and attractive in the region.

There are many options open to international companies seeking to establish a business relationship with Dubai. Apart from forming a trading relationship, many companies find that there are distinct advantages in having an on-the-spot presence in order to research market prospects, make contacts, liaise with customers, and see through the details of any transactions and orders secured.Having such a presence can provide considerable business advantages in the Middle East.

Businessmen in the region prefer to deal with someone they know and trust and personal relationships are much more important in doing business in the Arab world than they are in western Europe or America. Also, the buying patterns of some countries served by Dubai tend to be unpredictable, creating a need for first class market intelligence and information. Dubai offers foreign companies a wide choice of business options, including:

  • Direct trade – selling directly to established dealers and distributors
  • Commercial agency arrangements – appointee must be a UAE national or company; agreement to be registered with Ministry of Economy and Commerce
  • Branch or representative office – 100% foreign ownership permitted; local agent (sponsor) must be appointed; Economic Development Department licence required
  • Limited liability company – foreign ownership restricted to 49%; Economic Development Department licence required
  • Special free zone investment incentives.

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