Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Procedure to Apply For Divorce in UAE

When you are having a divorce in the UAE, the last thing you want to worry about is the technicality and legality of the procedure. Divorce places so much stress and difficulties already and you would like to go through it as painless as possible. That is why you need the help of the best divorce lawyer Dubai.

One study shows that the UAE has one of the increasing rates of Divorce in the Middle East and its rate could even rival those in the West. If you are among those who are considering or have decided to get a divorce, here is a quick overview of the procedure you need to expect.

Meet with a conciliator

A conciliator is a guidance counselor who helps couples find the solution to their problem. It is worth noting that a couple in the UAE needs to first meet with a conciliator before finding legal consultants in Dubai. This is done to determine whether divorce is really the best course of action for them or there’s still hope in saving the marriage.

The following procedures applies only for UAE Nationals or Expats married to UAE Nationals.

Go to the First Instance Court

If marriage counseling didn’t work, the couple should now bring their case to the First Instance Court. During this process, one party brings up the reason for their divorce and the other will provide their reply. This process is repeated according to the discretion of the judge.

It is during this step that each party will bring evidence through the use of witnesses and documents. It would be helpful if you seek professional legal services Dubai during at this time.

Go to the Appeal Court

 After a judge in the First Instance Court passes a result, the case will then be forwarded to the Appeal Court. The case will be reviewed by three judges.

Go to the Court of Cassation

Once the case reached the Court of Cassation, both of the parties can’t provide evidence anymore. The Court of Cassation will have a final review of the case, focusing more on determining whether technical and legal processes have been strictly followed or not.

Go to the Enforcement Court

As the name implies, the Enforcement Court is tasked to enforce the result of the divorce case. They make sure that the verdict has been carried out.

On average, the whole divorce process takes about three to twelve months, depending on its complexity. Moreover, divorce in UAE for expats may take a different course. For example, the law applied to them could be the divorce law of their country of origin. Thus, if you are one of them, you need to check first with the UAE courts which law will be used in your case.

Motei and Associates provides excellent and top-rated legal services for people seeking a divorce. They have the right expertise and knowledge to help clients find the best solution to their case in a cost-effective manner.

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