Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Have a Labor Ban? Here's How to Lift It

If you are an expatriate in the UAE, you will observe that one of the most common concerns of your group is the labour ban. Since it greatly affects your ability to earn a living, it makes sense if you want to know more about this particular aspect of the UAE employment law.
Basically, a labour ban is given to a person who breached the terms and conditions of their contract. It prevents you from working in another company registered in the UAE. The ministry of Labour usually governs and implements labour bans. Most labour bans extend from six months to one year.
As you can see, waiting for six or 12 months can be very difficult, especially when you have bills to pay. Thus, a lot of expats who were charged with labour bans would rather find a way to solve the problem than waiting for a long period of time.
One of the ways how to lift labour ban is to approach the Ministry of Labour and ask for a review of your status. If it is not your fault that you were terminated from your employment, the Ministry of Labour will most likely revoke the ban. You may also seek legal services in Dubai to help you go through the different procedures.
Another common way expats get rid of their labour ban is finding a company that offers them a high salary. Depending on your professional and educational level, you should meet the prescribed salary limit to keep the labour ban in UAE 2018 of no effect. This provision is stipulated in the Article 4 of UAE Ministerial Order No 1186 of 2010.

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