Thursday, November 8, 2018

Can New Dubai Property Owner Increase Tenant's Rent or Evict Them

Renting a property could be one of the easiest ways to find a place to stay in Dubai. After all, getting a house that you can call your own can be very expensive and perhaps, a little more complicated than just renting. Not only that, but you have to deal with Dubai rental law that can easily become overwhelming.
However, while there are a lot of advantages of renting a property, you can't deny the fact that it is still not yours. Among the many apprehension of renters is the possibility of getting evicted or having to deal with a rent increase. Many renters worry about these problems especially when the property ownership changed.
When your landlord sells the property you rent, does the new owner has the right to increase rent or worse, force you out of the property? This is a valid question that needs the right answer.
As a tenant, it is crucial for you to know your rights when things do not go according to plan. Even hiring a real estate lawyer Dubai could make a big difference in understanding your rights.
Now, if your new landlord wants to increase your rent or want you out, there are a few things you need to remember.
First of all, bear in mind that your new landlord cannot evict you instantly. By law, you should have been given a notice of 12 months prior to your eviction or as long as your tenancy contract is valid.
Moreover, it is worth noting that even if your contract has expired and you have not received a 12-month notice from the new owner, then you can still pay rent and continue occupying the property.

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