Sunday, August 4, 2019

What are the requirements for a 10 years residence visa in the UAE

With the aim to attract more investors and talents, the UAE has issued the Golden Card visa, which allows holders to stay in the country for ten years and renew it accordingly. Since its launch, hundreds of people are applying for it with dozens getting approved each day. Adding productive and valuable people are deemed to encourage more company formation in UAE.

If you are wondering how you can qualify for a 10-year residence visa in the UAE, particularly in Dubai, then you would need to continue reading this post.

Requirements for foreign investors

Investors seeking for a 10-year residence visa need to invest at least AED 10 million. Now, this amount shouldn’t be loaned. The investment should also stay in Dubai for at least three years. The investor should have a financial solvency of up to AED 10 million.

If you need more help in understanding the visa’s requirements, you might want sit down and speak to a commercial lawyer in Dubai.

The investment of AED 10 million can take different forms. Depending on the investor, it could be one of the following:
  •          Deposit the money in an investment fund within the UAE.
  •          Start a company in the UAE with a capital of at least AED 10 million.
  •          Invest in an existing company.

Moreover, the 10-year residence visa can be extended to spouse and children of the primary holder. Not only that, but it can also be extended to the holder’s business partners, advisor and executive director.

Requirements for people with specialised talents

Business Setup in the UAE
If you are a doctor, scientist, specialist, artist in the field of culture and art, researcher, or any person with specialised talent, you might be qualified for the 10-year residence visa.

If you have questions with your eligibility, seeking the help of legal consultants in Dubai could be a wise decision.

There are different conditions you might need to meet first before you can enjoy a longer stay in the UAE.
A scientist who holds a Mohammed Bin Rashid Medal for Scientific Excellence or is accredited by Emirates Scientists Council could apply for the said visa.

For creative individuals in culture and arts, they must be accredited by the Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development.

Inventors wishing to apply for the visa should have a patent of great value from the Ministry of Economy.

For doctors and specialists, they should meet at least two of the conditions mentioned below:
  •          A PhD degree from a top university
  •         An important award or distinction in their field
  •          Published a scientific book
  •          Member of a distinct organization in their field
  •          10-year professional experience
  •          Has a specialisation in one of the areas of priority in the UAE

Getting more professional help

The Golden Visa card or 10-year residence visa provides an opportunity for investors to enter the UAE economic market. Establishing a business in this wealthy nation can bring more revenue to your company.

If in case you are planning to stay in Dubai, apply for a visa, and start a business, then you would need expert advice to guide you through the process.

Thankfully, you have Motei & Associates to help you. They have some of the best business setup consultants in Dubai who have the right knowledge and experience to ensure you don’t commit costly mistakes. Give them a call today and see how they can help you become a huge success!

Are you planning to set up a company in the UAE?

Check out some informative articles that may help you with your planning.
For a quick and easy process of company formation contact or visit us today!

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