Saturday, February 8, 2020

How to Prepare a Business Contract

Entering into a business relationship with another party is a serious matter. Business setup consultants in Dubai recommend that one should not enter into an agreement carelessly with complete trust - especially without a contract.

Business contracts are legally binding written agreement between two or more parties. It provides clarity in the rights of parties, prevents misinterpretation of communications, and protects a party’s interests and asset values.

Elements of a Contract

Before discussing the process of preparing a business contract, an attorney in Dubai explains the key elements a contract should contain to be legally valid.

     Offer and Acceptance
An offer refers to something of value presented by one party. Acceptance means that the offer presented was properly acknowledged, agreed, and accepted by the other party. These elements go hand-in-hand.

Consideration is the value both parties receive for entering into the contract. It can be in the form of money or effort, a right, a promise to perform service, or even an agreement over not doing something.

     Mutuality or Intention
This simply means that the parties involved in the contract had “a meeting of the minds” over the agreement. They have understood and agreed to the terms of contract.

Not everyone is eligible to form a contract. Minors and people with unsound minds cannot enter into any valid contracts.Capacity applies to people who have the legal ability to sign a contract. 18 years old is stated as the age of a major. full article


Check out some informative articles that may help you with your planning.
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