Thursday, June 17, 2021

Difference Between Contract and Commercial Law

 The process of establishing a business can be stressful and time-consuming, especially when you're new to it or you're starting an international business. There is plenty of paperwork and procedures you need to accomplish before you can start operating. For this reason, several business owners choose to go to international law firms in Dubai to help them get started.


What is the difference between contract and commercial law?

Defining commercial law first will help in understanding contract law and how it can affect the way you do your business.

Commercial law is the general law that refers to any legislation which pertains to merchants who are exchanging goods and/or services, dealing with any transaction between a seller and a buyer. While this law has a wide scope, it mainly focuses on providing support for businesses, especially to protect all parties from unlawful trades.

Contract law on the other hand is a specific law that refers to rules or principles which regulates the enforcement or fulfilment of contracts/agreements between two or more parties who have entered a commercial relationship. It is one of the many laws that are under the umbrella of commercial law.

Under commercial law, contract law is any contract or agreement (formal/informal) entered upon by two parties during a business transaction. It may be applicable to businesses or entities that are buying or selling products and/or services. As you start your business, it would be helpful to have commercial law advisors to guide you in establishing different agreements or contracts between yourself and other parties you wish to do business with. It is beneficial in making sure that both parties are doing business that is compliant with the country's laws.


What impact do these laws have on your business?

Contract law has more impact on businesses since its focuses on business relationships between two or more parties that are formalized through contracts. It also increases the level of certainty in business relationships as it assures that both parties will be responsible for doing what was agreed upon in the contract.

Creating contracts between business partners is not an easy task. The ones making the contract should be familiar with not just existing laws, but also how your business model should work. Everything must be made clear in the contract to avoid any issues that may hurt the business in the future. Before signing or presenting a contract from/to another party, it’s best to seek the help of contract law attorneys to review the terms and make sure they are fair for both parties.


If you need help in making contracts or have further inquiries about commercial and contract law, Motei and Associates can provide you with the legal services you need.

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