Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Business Disputes in UAE

You want to run your business as smooth as possible. However, sometimes, it is inevitable to encounter business disputes. In the UAE, businesses aren’t immune to disputes, litigations, and lawsuits that may arise from breach of contract or unmet expectation. Thus, it is not surprising to note that legal services Dubai are highly in demand in the UAE.

What are business disputes?

Business disputes happen when there is a breach over the terms and conditions of a contract or a disagreement between two parties. Disputes may happen between two or more companies, businesses and customers, employers and employees, and even between business partners.

There are different reasons for business disputes to happen. However, the bottom line is that when a promise is not delivered or an expectation is not met, then a business dispute can possibly arise.

What are the negative effects of business disputes?

No company owner would ever want to have business disputes to deal with and for good reasons. Business disputes have a wide range and far-reaching negative effect on companies.
In the UAE, many businesses have lost valuable time, opportunities, and money because of disputes. Some even have lost their good reputation and eventually have to close down because they fail to hire expert corporate lawyers in Dubai.

In some cases, businesses are not only ended when disputes are filed but also relationships and trust.

How are business disputes resolved?

The most common methods of resolving business disputes in the UAE are litigation in the courts or arbitration. However, between the two, arbitration is more popular. The reason behind this is that the latter is more cost-effective and less stressful.

Other methods of dispute resolution are mediation and conciliation. In Dubai particularly, the Centre for the Amicable Settlement of Disputes exists since 2009. If the dispute’s claim is under AED100,000, it is most likely to be handled by the Centre. The Centre aims is to seek a settlement between the involved parties to avoid litigation.

What to do when a business dispute happens?

The best thing to do when having a business dispute is to resolve the problem as soon as possible. The main goal here is to avoid going to court as much as possible and to keep the dispute at its minimum level. Try to negotiate with the other party and find a win-win solution to your problem. To know more about how to handle a dispute, you can visit a law office.

If the dispute is serious enough and you have to proceed with a higher level of dispute resolution, then it is time to take a more aggressive approach.

Gather as much evidence as possible. Take note of the people involved and how you can use them as witnesses. Extract evidence from various resources. Take note that the UAE law favors documentary and written proof over oral testimonies.

Finally, you will be more successful in dealing with business disputes when you hire an expert commercial lawyer in Dubai from Motei & Associates. They have been helping clients win their disputes since 2002. 

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