Thursday, September 13, 2018

Tenant's Rights in Dubai

Planning to rent a property in Dubai? Or perhaps you are already renting a house or office space? Whatever your situation is, you need to know your right as a tenant and how Dubai rental law can affect your decision.
Whether you like it or not, there is always the chance that tenants and landlords would not be able to agree with something. So, before you sign the dotted line, it pays to know your rights and responsibilities.
Property cannot be rented twice
As a tenant, you need to make sure that your tenancy contract has been registered with Real Estate Regulatory Agency (RERA Dubai). It makes sure that the property will not be rented again until you leave it. Most importantly, it ensures that the Dubai Rent Dispute Settlement Centre (RDSC) will step in when a rental dispute Dubai arises.
No eviction for any reason
Usually, a tenancy contract would stay effective as long as you do not violate any terms and conditions stipulated in it. Your landlord cannot evict you from the property just because they changed their mind.
Contract Change notification
If in case a landlord wants to change something in your contract, he would need to send a written statement within the accepted Dubai tenant notice period (usually, at least 90 days before your contract expires). By doing so, you would have enough time to consider what to do with the proposed change.
Repairs and maintenance
Once you agreed to your contract, it is your right to receive the property in good condition. Major repairs and maintenance are the responsibility of the landlord and not you as a tenant. If the landlord decides to make renovations or changes in the property, it should not negatively affect your ability to use the rented unit.

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