Sunday, December 22, 2019

How to Start a Business in Dubai: What Do I Need to Know About Choosing a Name for my Business?

There are a lot of things you need to consider when it comes to company formation in Dubai. Chief among them is your business name.
Now, before you get too witty and excited about coming up with a name, there are certain rules and regulations you need to follow. You can’t simply choose any name you have in mind.
Read on to learn what you should know when choosing your name for a business.
The do’s in choosing a business name
  • Choose a name that represents your brand.
  • Choose a name that is easy to remember and resonate in the mind of people.
  • Choose a name that will evoke positive emotional responses and express a powerful message
  • Check with the relevant authorities for a list of restrictions that may apply to your business setup in Dubai.
  • Choose a name that reflects the primary activity and nature of your company.
The “do not” in choosing a business name
  • Don’t choose a business name that is already copyrighted elsewhere. For example, world-renowned brands such as McDonald’s, Toyota, Microsoft, and others should not be considered.
  • Don’t use the location of your business as part of your company’s name. In Dubai, you can’t use names of places such as Dubai, Emirates, UAE, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, and other names of cities and districts. So, you can’t use UAE Hardware or Dubai Clothing. However, you can use nationalities as part of your business name such as American, European, Arabian, and similar.
  • Don’t use a company name that is indecent, vulgar, and offensive. Moreover, check with Arabic-speakers to see if your chosen business name has an unintended meaning when translated to the local language.
  • Don’t use business names that contain the name of God and his divine attributes. Business names that can be religiously offensive is a big no-no.
  • Don’t use a business name that is similar to any government agencies, organisations, or departments. You can’t also use any of their abbreviations.
  • Don’t choose a business name that has already existed in the UAE. Even if the name just sounds the same, it is still against the rules.
  • Don’t choose a company name without consulting corporate lawyers in Dubai. They can save you time, energy, and money when it comes to choosing a brand name.


Check out some informative articles that may help you with your planning.
For a quick and easy process of company formation contact or visit us today!

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