Sunday, December 15, 2019

Is it advisable to engage your lawyer when selling a property?

Generally speaking, you can sell your property without the help of a real estate lawyer in Dubai. However, this doesn’t mean that you won’t need one. There are a lot of benefits you can obtain when you have a qualified and competent lawyer by your side.
Perhaps, you are thinking whether you should engage your lawyer when selling a property or not. This post will help you make the right decision by outlining the advantages of having a lawyer.
Market knowledge
Real estate lawyers in Dubai are like no other lawyers. They are focused on handling real estate matters and transactions. With the specialised knowledge and skills, they can help you in determining the right price of your property and how it compares with other properties around your area and in Dubai as a whole.
Help in drafting contract
Sales contracts can be complicated at times. Unless you are knowledgeable about legal terms and how the law works, you would have a hard time preparing it.
A real estate lawyer can step in. He can write down your contract and make sure that it says exactly what you want it to say. The lawyer can also explain to you every part of the contract and ensures you understand what it stipulates.
Help in negotiating
You want to get the most out of the sales transaction? If you’re negotiating the terms, conditions, and price of your property, chances are that things can easily tip in your favor if you have a real estate lawyer.
Help in closing the deal
When you finally have sold your property, the last thing you want to happen is to be bothered with missing documents and forgotten requirements needed for the sale. Thankfully, a good lawyer will ensure that when you close a deal, it is truly closed and you have nothing to worry about.
Your lawyer can help in transferring the title to the buyer. They can also file the sale and record transactions to the relevant government agencies such as the Dubai Land Department.


Check out some informative articles that may help you with your planning.
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1 comment:

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