Sunday, September 6, 2020

Here are some of the actions a landlord can perform if a tenant stops paying


Start a dialogue with your tenant to know why the rent payments have stopped. It's also a good time to let your tenant know that you're understanding, but you also have your financial obligations. Let them know the repercussions of skipping rent and why they need to pay on time. If they have no means of paying the rent, explain that one of the options will be to terminate the lease early with or without penalty. More so, if they refuse, a formal eviction notice will be served.


Send Formal Notice

Under Article 25(1) of the amendment, a landlord can demand eviction before the tenancy contract's expiry by serving notice via notary public or registered mail. It is a formal letter stating that the tenant has [X] days to pay rent or the lease will be terminated, and they have to move out. This payment notification usually gives tenants 30 days unless there are other time frames stated in the agreement.


File Eviction Action

If the tenant still fails to pay rent within 30 days of notification, the landlord may file an action at the RDSC with the help of an attorney in Dubai. To legitimately evict a tenant, one or more of the circumstances under Article 25(1) of the Tenancy Law must be present. It is worth noting that a landlord is not allowed to lock out a tenant or turn off essential utilities while the eviction hearing is ongoing. If you win a judgment against the tenant, that's the only time you can evict a tenant with the sheriff's help.

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